This always happens to me. Always. I get addicted to the NG forums, spending a while scanning them, posting some stupid malarkey comments for about a period of a month or two. And then, I dunno what happens, but I stop visiting so much cos it's the same people, and a lot of the topics seem to be samey.
And I've been busying away at university too. I've been spending less time on my PC, which is a bit strange as I'm meant to be a computer scientist, and facebook's no help either. So yeh, haven't been here much recently.
Buuut, I'm working on something that could actually be submittable. I've realised that I'm in no way an animator, so I'm using my new found comp sci programming skills to make a Flash game, which I'm hoping to upload in a couple of weeks or months, depending on how much I work on it and how complex it all gets. And I'm pretty sure that this concept hasn't been uploaded on NG either yet, so I'm hoping I can do it some justice...